Portable fire extinguishing: FIA updates guidance and fact files
The Fire Industry Association’s (FIA) Extinguishing Council has updated a number of guidance notes and fact files around portable fire extinguishing – covering the ADR, electrical risks, environmental guidance and more.

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Fact File 78: Portable extinguishers under the ADR

The European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) refers to portable fire extinguishers in two ways:

  • As an article for transport to which the provisions of the ADR apply
  • And as safety equipment required to be carried by vehicles transporting dangerous goods.

    Fact file 79: Class F fires

    Created to help understand what Class F fires are, why a specific standard was introduced, and how to choose and install the correct class F fire extinguisher.

    Fact File 81: Fire extinguishers and electrical risks

    Provides information on references relating to fire extinguishers on electrical risks in standards.

    Environmental guidance: Gaseous Fire Extinguisher Disposal

    Covers environmental issues relating to gaseous agents in fire extinguishers. Covers applicable legislation, how to handle the extinguishers/gaseous media on site and examines available options for collection and disposal.

    Environmental guidance: Powder fire extinguisher disposal

    Advice on environmental challenges posed by firefighting powder, primarily in regard to fire extinguishers. Covers applicable legislation, how to handle extinguishers/powder at the customer’s site and outlines available options for collection and disposal.

