Vision 20/20: Preventing Opportunity Blindness
High-performing teams redefine excellence at the point where realization and achievement intersect. It is at this juncture where opportunity is at its peak and readily accessible for those who can see it and diligently work hard to make it their own.

Maybe today? Maybe tomorrow? Perhaps the next day? Opportunities. Will they come or will they go? So often these questions are asked, but so infrequently are they answered. Yet for some seemingly lucky people, opportunities seem to be there, always present and never-ending. Why? How is it possible for one colleague to be endowed by the grace of fortune while another ponders aimlessly in obscurity? Why is it that one is invited to the important meetings while the other awaits an abbreviated out-brief? This reveals the biggest of all questions: why have you perhaps not advanced to the point of impact where realization and achievement intersect?

Most likely, the answer to these questions is sequestered within the confines of your vision or blindness and the interrelationship between each as they interact in delicate balance that produces outcomes and results; expected and unexpected.It's my experience that most occupational safety and health professionals go through their careers waiting for the chance to take advantage of opportunities when they arise or simply hoping they do. I have seen many work very hard in directions that placed them in undesired positions or in positions that did not offer intellectual growth and professional development. I have seen early career professionals squander away amazing opportunities simply because they either did not see them or did not realize the potential of these prospects.

"Vision 20/20 - Preventing Opportunity Blindness" is designed to help you recognize the filters you have in place that are keeping opportunities at bay and to show you how to identify opportunities by being mindful of the power of assumptions, by applying process thinking principles and by understanding how human nature actually helps us in the decision-making process. The goal is to offer an alternative way of looking at challenges and to help you and your employer innovate past the competition.

Together, we will focus on the power and decisional influence of assumptions and how they can be helpful and harmful to your career and your organization. We will explore the inner relationship of vision and blindness and address how they are powerfully interlinked. We will uncover the major difference between innovative and non-innovative people and how their mindset can drive both by design. We will unveil a true story that demonstrates the power of vision despite all odds and how financial success can come from it. We will touch upon process thinking and how it can be used to positively change outcomes for good. You may even discover a new way to view and conduct your incident investigation process along the way. We will dive right into how and why we, as humans, make decisions and how to leverage this phenomenon to open our apertures so we can have a wider, deeper perspective of the business world around us. We will provide a road toward excellence, a map if you will, to help you start the process of thinking differently.

Our goal is to offer you the opportunity to think differently about how to not only identify, but to also create amazing opportunities for yourself and your employer.

What we are about to discover is how you can prevent opportunity blindness through the power of knowledge and strategy.

Opportunity Hidden In Plain Sight Through the Influence of Assumptions

One of my favorite quotes on this topic is the one from Thomas Jefferson, who reportedly proclaimed that, "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." This is a powerful statement because most people do look for the easy way to reach their aspirations when in fact there rarely is an easy way. Some spend their days gaming the system all the meanwhile using the same energy required as it takes to focus on actually achieving greatness, something special.

Let's take a different spin on this quote and say that opportunity is missed by most people because it is hiding in plain sight. Opportunity is missed because we dismiss it as irrelevant by the way we think and by how we choose to see the world around us. I see this phenomenon materialize every hour of every working day..