4th Middle East Safety Summit to go ahead in October in Riyadh
A number of aviation officials and specialists in the civil aviation industry; most notably civil aviation ministers and head of civil aviation authorities will attend the forum sponsored by the Minister of Transport from various Middle Eastern countries. This in addition to the participation of the ICAO regional office and the Arab Civil Aviation Organization (ACAO).

Abduhakeem Al-Tamimi, President of GACA said: “That hosting this summit by GACA come as an extension of the Kingdom’s role in achieving the best standards of air safety at the global and the regional level. The Kingdom has been keen on providing the needed financial, technical and moral support for ICAO plans and programs aimed at applying the best international safety standards in field of civil aviation”.

Further, Al-Tamimi explained that one of the objectives of the summit is to review the best practices and experiences related to aviation safety, exchange expertise in the field, as well as further educate the staff in the related area. The idea is to keep abreast on the latest developments reached by the Middle East Regional Aviation Safety Group (RASG – MID). All within the framework of the roadmap for aviation safety established by the International Civil Aviation Organization (GASP). Therefore, this summit aims as whole to ensure that all relevant parties, mainly civil aviation authorities, air carriers and manufacturers comply with the recommended standards and apply all avenues to ensure the highest level of safety, while benefiting the travelling passengers in particular and Middle East aviation industry in general.

The President of GACA also stated the summit will witness a number of sessions that will shed some light on the global development related to civil aviation, the indicators and objectives of regional safety and its performance. The conference will also include a panel discussion on the present status of aviation safety in the Middle East and the obstacles and challenges it faces. The discussion will also explore certain ways to overcome those obstacles, in the framework of regional and international action sponsored and envisage by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

